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Classen Collection's Official Catalogue

The official catalogue

Discover our official catalogue.




This volume features each meteorites of the Classen Collection, and presents by double page a specimen with a full and close-up view on HQ photographs, in order to reveal each piece's specificities. A short description includes the complete name, weight, and the year the piece was found for easy reference to its exact classification in the meteoritical bulletin. In the final index, the pieces are listed by names and categories.




Collection Classen : Météorites martiennes // The Classen Collection

by Luc Labenne


Limited to 300 copies

206 pages and 1 3/4 lb

An 9 1/2 x 7 3/4 inches volume

Langages : Bilingal. French & English

Soft Cover with bright finish, high quality print

Thick and matte paper for 180 HQ colors photographs

The complete collection of the 90 martian meteorites, classified and exclusively available for purchase.

The official catalogue

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